Adding Jemmy v3 to

Patrick Reinhart patrick at
Tue May 8 19:56:13 UTC 2018

Hi everybody,

I updated the webrev using the suggested names and version. Also the
code compiles without any Javadoc errors now and there is only one
remaining Test failing here using Xvfb.

Any ideas or hints?

org.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException: State 'text() equals 'Now press the
field', text() = 'ow press the idlef'' has not been reached in 1000
    at org.jemmy.timing.Waiter.ensureState(
    at org.jemmy.input.TextImpl$
    at org.jemmy.action.Action.execute(
    at org.jemmy.action.ActionQueue$
[ERROR] Tests run: 5, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed:
10.394 s <<< FAILURE! - in org.jemmy.swt.PushButtonTest
[ERROR] type(org.jemmy.swt.PushButtonTest)  Time elapsed: 6.967 s  <<<
org.jemmy.JemmyException: Action 'typing text "Now press the field"'
invoked through ActionQueue failed
    at org.jemmy.swt.PushButtonTest.type(
Caused by: org.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException: State 'text() equals 'Now
press the field', text() = 'ow press the idlef'' has not been reached in
1000 milliseconds


Am 04.05.2018 um 18:29 schrieb Alexandre (Shura) Iline:
> Looks like my reply has disappeared. Not sure what happened. Let me restate.
> I think that
> 1. JemmtSWT artifact should contain JemmySWT “module” and there should be separate artifact for JemmyCore, etc.
> 2. Artifact version should be coming from the appropriate artifact version.
> 3. Updating Jemmy version to reflect that fact that Jemmy code is maven-ized is fine, re-ressing the version to 1.0.0 or any other version
> 4. It is better for everybody to drop v3 in artifact naming. If there would be artifacts from v2, they would be named differently.

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