[External] : Re: Jextract 20 binaries are now available
Jorn Vernee
jorn.vernee at oracle.com
Tue Apr 11 13:04:07 UTC 2023
Hi Duncan,
In this case the functional interface QueryInterface is being generated
because a field in the enclosing struct has a field with a function
pointer type. QueryInterface_UP$MH is a constant required by the
implementation of that interface.
While I think your solution could fix the immediate issue you're having,
we recently moved constants like QueryInterface_UP$MH to all be
generated in the constant support files [1]. I think that is long term a
better solution, since it takes the proper care to make sure the source
files don't get too large.
With that patch, it would however still be dicey to manually strip the
compiled classes from a jar though, since there would still be a
reference to the class from the constants file. So, if another constant
in the same file was accessed, the same issue would occur. Unless
-Djextract.constants.per.class=0 is used as well, so that each constant
class has only 1 constant.
I think stripping classes from a jar will always be risky, since it is
done without the knowledge of jextract. We have the --include-* options
as a supported way to do filtering in jextract. I think adding an
--include-* option for filtering out functional interface is reasonable
as well. If you know you are never going to use the generated interface,
it should be possible to filter it out (and all the constants it depends
on). I've filled an issue for this:
[1] : https://github.com/openjdk/jextract/pull/117
On 08/04/2023 19:10, Duncan Gittins wrote:
> Jorn
> Thanks everyone for the effort on this. Its been a while since I've
> built my own jextract v20 so your build has given me more recent changes.
> Apologies if this is covered in previous trails: I have run into an
> issue related to the way some performance changes were implemented in
> upcall stub generation. The generated code has introduced new class
> loader dependencies for Windows COM interfaces. For example using
> IShellLinkWVtbl gives rise to many interfaces such as
> IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface.
> All is fine if use new jextract and perform my tests with generated
> file. My arguments for jextract are:
> --source -lshell32 -t duncan.win.shell --output
> source\duncan.win\java headers\Shell32.h
> where Shell32.h is just:
> #include <shlobj_core.h>
> However I've noticed the new jextract generated code has new class
> dependencies. I lookup COM objects via IUnknown$QueryInterface and
> never call the duplicate version like IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface
> so I've been striping these similar and un-used classes from my jars.
> In the old code generation, IShellLinkWVtbl was independent of
> IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface and all other IXYZ COM interfaces.
> The new generated code of IShellLinkWVtbl.java references
> IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface.class. Similarly every vtable class (eg
> IUnknown / IPersistFile etc) depends now on every interface class file
> of every COM interface (AddRef / Release / etc) it supports because of
> the new xyz_UP$MH fields:
> Exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> duncan/win/shell/IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface
> | at IShellLinkWVtbl.<clinit> (IShellLinkWVtbl.java:75)
> Here is the snippet of new code which shows the new upcallHandle which
> means every vtable.class requires all com .class files. I am hoping
> that this can be resolved easily simply by generating the declaration
> of QueryInterface_UP$MH inside interface
> IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface rather than into the parent class
> IShellLinkWVtbl. This would avoid a large number of .class files being
> read when referencing a vtable class:
> public class IShellLinkWVtbl {
> ...
> static final MethodHandle QueryInterface_UP$MH =
> RuntimeHelper.upcallHandle(QueryInterface.class, "apply",
> IShellLinkWVtbl.QueryInterface_UP$FUNC);
> ...
> /** HRESULT (*QueryInterface)(IShellLinkW*,const IID*,void**); */
> public interface QueryInterface {
> // UP$MH should be here?
> int apply(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment _x0,
> java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment _x1, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment _x2);
> static MemorySegment allocate(QueryInterface fi,
> SegmentScope scope) {
> return
> RuntimeHelper.upcallStub(IShellLinkWVtbl.QueryInterface_UP$MH, fi,
> IShellLinkWVtbl.QueryInterface$FUNC, scope);
> }
> ...
> }
> Kind regards
> Duncan
> On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 at 18:34, Jorn Vernee <jorn.vernee at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Jextract 20 binaries are now available at:
> https://jdk.java.net/jextract/
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://jdk.java.net/jextract/__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!Lub79JM1QWad74DQ066IIkIBcFwi4DYJXQssC4oVgEC8gOf4yh9sd209Pz_Tt0tFZjEMv4eIkP5e9hb0t0W-h2P5ww$>
> This version of jextract targets the foreign function and memory
> access
> API in Java 20, which was released recently as well [1]
> The existing binaries of jextract 19, which target Java 19, are still
> available through a link under the "Other versions" section on the
> jextract download page linked above.
> Jorn
> [1]: https://jdk.java.net/20/
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://jdk.java.net/20/__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!Lub79JM1QWad74DQ066IIkIBcFwi4DYJXQssC4oVgEC8gOf4yh9sd209Pz_Tt0tFZjEMv4eIkP5e9hb0t0UTAflM8A$>
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