[External] : Re: Jextract 20 binaries are now available
Jorn Vernee
jorn.vernee at oracle.com
Tue Apr 11 22:25:42 UTC 2023
Hi Duncan,
I don't think they are ever different in practice, but they are not
being de-duplicated currently, since the de-duplication of the constants
works based on the name. All of these function descriptors describe the
same function type, namely that of the function pointer:
HRESULT (*QueryInterface)(IShellLinkW*,const IID*,void**);
With the recent patch that puts all the constants in the constant files,
the de-duplication works based on the structure, and only one constant
is generated for that particular function descriptor. I plan to backport
that patch to jextract 20 as well:
On 11/04/2023 16:52, Duncan Gittins wrote:
> Thanks Jorn
> Your suggestion to allow filtering out of the unnecessary interfaces
> will be a great help to simplify the generated code dependencies. I
> believe the changes giving this new behaviour was outlined here:
> https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/jextract-dev/2023-February/000675.html
> One query I had on the new UP/DOWN generated code - is there a
> circumstance where the FunctionDescriptor for the
> upcall QueryInterface_DOWN$FUNC differs from the
> downcall QueryInterface_DOWN$FUNC and the default FunctionDescriptor
> QueryInterface$FUNC? There is a strange dependency in generated code
> for QueryInterface callback:
> QueryInterface_DOWN$MH depends on QueryInterface_DOWN$FUNC
> QueryInterface_UP$MH depends on QueryInterface_UP$FUNC
> The callback interface QueryInterface uses all three $FUNC definitions
> though each appears to be declared as the same value:
> QueryInterface.allocate depends on QueryInterface_UP$MH and
> QueryInterface$FUNC and therefore also QueryInterface_UP$FUNC
> QueryInterface ofAddress depends on QueryInterface_DOWN$MH and
> therefore QueryInterface_DOWN$FUNC
> Kind regards
> Duncan
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 14:04, Jorn Vernee <jorn.vernee at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Duncan,
> In this case the functional interface QueryInterface is being
> generated because a field in the enclosing struct has a field with
> a function pointer type. QueryInterface_UP$MH is a constant
> required by the implementation of that interface.
> While I think your solution could fix the immediate issue you're
> having, we recently moved constants like QueryInterface_UP$MH to
> all be generated in the constant support files [1]. I think that
> is long term a better solution, since it takes the proper care to
> make sure the source files don't get too large.
> With that patch, it would however still be dicey to manually strip
> the compiled classes from a jar though, since there would still be
> a reference to the class from the constants file. So, if another
> constant in the same file was accessed, the same issue would
> occur. Unless -Djextract.constants.per.class=0 is used as well, so
> that each constant class has only 1 constant.
> I think stripping classes from a jar will always be risky, since
> it is done without the knowledge of jextract. We have the
> --include-* options as a supported way to do filtering in
> jextract. I think adding an --include-* option for filtering out
> functional interface is reasonable as well. If you know you are
> never going to use the generated interface, it should be possible
> to filter it out (and all the constants it depends on). I've
> filled an issue for this:
> https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/CODETOOLS-7903456
> Jorn
> [1] : https://github.com/openjdk/jextract/pull/117
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/openjdk/jextract/pull/117__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!Mw1QdKzLbkgWCXYVEfk2wpl20WjBk3_AoeUPGenImk9P6pD8cYYWM9Se87bX83la-6G03Q_WktS0qYYq08OjpSymcQ$>
> On 08/04/2023 19:10, Duncan Gittins wrote:
>> Jorn
>> Thanks everyone for the effort on this. Its been a while since
>> I've built my own jextract v20 so your build has given me more
>> recent changes.
>> Apologies if this is covered in previous trails: I have run into
>> an issue related to the way some performance changes were
>> implemented in upcall stub generation. The generated code has
>> introduced new class loader dependencies for Windows COM
>> interfaces. For example using IShellLinkWVtbl gives rise to many
>> interfaces such as IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface.
>> All is fine if use new jextract and perform my tests with
>> generated file. My arguments for jextract are:
>> --source -lshell32 -t duncan.win.shell --output
>> source\duncan.win\java headers\Shell32.h
>> where Shell32.h is just:
>> #include <shlobj_core.h>
>> However I've noticed the new jextract generated code has new
>> class dependencies. I lookup COM objects via
>> IUnknown$QueryInterface and never call the duplicate version like
>> IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface so I've been striping these
>> similar and un-used classes from my jars.
>> In the old code generation, IShellLinkWVtbl was independent of
>> IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface and all other IXYZ COM interfaces.
>> The new generated code of IShellLinkWVtbl.java references
>> IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface.class. Similarly every vtable
>> class (eg IUnknown / IPersistFile etc) depends now on every
>> interface class file of every COM interface (AddRef / Release /
>> etc) it supports because of the new xyz_UP$MH fields:
>> Exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>> duncan/win/shell/IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface
>> | at IShellLinkWVtbl.<clinit> (IShellLinkWVtbl.java:75)
>> Here is the snippet of new code which shows the new upcallHandle
>> which means every vtable.class requires all com .class files. I
>> am hoping that this can be resolved easily simply by generating
>> the declaration of QueryInterface_UP$MH inside interface
>> IShellLinkWVtbl$QueryInterface rather than into the parent class
>> IShellLinkWVtbl. This would avoid a large number of .class files
>> being read when referencing a vtable class:
>> public class IShellLinkWVtbl {
>> ...
>> static final MethodHandle QueryInterface_UP$MH =
>> RuntimeHelper.upcallHandle(QueryInterface.class, "apply",
>> IShellLinkWVtbl.QueryInterface_UP$FUNC);
>> ...
>> /** HRESULT (*QueryInterface)(IShellLinkW*,const
>> IID*,void**); */
>> public interface QueryInterface {
>> // UP$MH should be here?
>> int apply(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment _x0,
>> java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment _x1,
>> java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment _x2);
>> static MemorySegment allocate(QueryInterface fi,
>> SegmentScope scope) {
>> return
>> RuntimeHelper.upcallStub(IShellLinkWVtbl.QueryInterface_UP$MH,
>> fi, IShellLinkWVtbl.QueryInterface$FUNC, scope);
>> }
>> ...
>> }
>> Kind regards
>> Duncan
>> On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 at 18:34, Jorn Vernee <jorn.vernee at oracle.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Jextract 20 binaries are now available at:
>> https://jdk.java.net/jextract/
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://jdk.java.net/jextract/__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!Lub79JM1QWad74DQ066IIkIBcFwi4DYJXQssC4oVgEC8gOf4yh9sd209Pz_Tt0tFZjEMv4eIkP5e9hb0t0W-h2P5ww$>
>> This version of jextract targets the foreign function and
>> memory access
>> API in Java 20, which was released recently as well [1]
>> The existing binaries of jextract 19, which target Java 19,
>> are still
>> available through a link under the "Other versions" section
>> on the
>> jextract download page linked above.
>> Jorn
>> [1]: https://jdk.java.net/20/
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://jdk.java.net/20/__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!Lub79JM1QWad74DQ066IIkIBcFwi4DYJXQssC4oVgEC8gOf4yh9sd209Pz_Tt0tFZjEMv4eIkP5e9hb0t0UTAflM8A$>
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