[External] : Re: jlink error when building jextract on macOS for JDK 21
Manuel Bleichenbacher
manuel.bleichenbacher at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 20:58:10 UTC 2023
Hi Jorn
The JDK at jdk.java.net (build 32) resolves it – jextract builds without
Thanks for the support
Am Di., 25. Juli 2023 um 22:46 Uhr schrieb Jorn Vernee <
jorn.vernee at oracle.com>:
> I've tried both the latest JDK 21 for Windows/x64 and Mac/AArch64 from
> jdk.java.net [1]. Neither of the jdk.compiler or jdk.internal.opt .jmod
> files contain the conflicting resources, in those builds. I also did a test
> run on Windows with the latest JDK 21 and the jextract jdk21 branch, and
> that seems to work fine (except for a known test failure in
> `TestDocComments.java`).
> I think this might be an issue with the particular JDK you're using.
> Jorn
> [1]: https://jdk.java.net/21/
> On 25/07/2023 22:33, Manuel Bleichenbacher wrote:
> Hi Jorn
> All three conflicting files are present in both the jdk.compiler and
> jdk.internal.opt jmod files. In the JDK 20, they haven't been present in
> either jmod file.
> What build of the JDK are you using for testing?
> Regards
> Manuel
> Am Di., 25. Juli 2023 um 22:22 Uhr schrieb Jorn Vernee <
> jorn.vernee at oracle.com>:
>> Hey Manuel,
>> This looks like a strange error. I do not recognize it. The jawt header
>> files are from java.desktop, and the jaxp.properties file is from java.xml.
>> So, they should not be in jdk.compiler and jdk.internal.opt
>> If you list the contents of the jdk.compiler and jdk.internal.opt jmod
>> files (using jmod list), are these resources listed?
>> Jorn
>> On 25/07/2023 21:44, Manuel Bleichenbacher wrote:
>> As part of upgrading https://github.com/manuelbl/JavaDoesUSB
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/manuelbl/JavaDoesUSB__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!LeVfvzO1SmSaGdm9YadRxM4_TOaqfusTlVSh9BiZsY2dqOD8jUoGZ8X45Mn-XRlR-rS9YuzKcl-Gfe1hE6IVS40Z0PBu$>
>> to JDK 21, I'm building jextract for JDK 21. It works without issue on
>> Linux and Windows. But on macOS it fails with this error message:
>> *> Task :createJextractImage* FAILED
>> Error: jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.PluginException: Duplicate resources:
>> {include/darwin/jawt_md.h=[jdk.compiler, jdk.internal.opt],
>> conf/jaxp.properties=[jdk.compiler, jdk.internal.opt],
>> include/jawt.h=[jdk.compiler, jdk.internal.opt]}
>> From my limited understanding of jlink, I think one of the explicitly
>> specified modules has a transitive dependency to the module
>> "jdk.internal.opt", so it's included as well. But the modules
>> "jdk.compiler" and "jdk.internal.opt" have three common files, which are
>> now in conflict.
>> Is this a known issue? Is there a workaround?
>> My environment is:
>> - JDK for gradle: openjdk version "17.0.1" 2021-10-19 LTS
>> - JDK 21: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu21+69-CA (build 21-ea+28, mixed
>> mode, sharing)
>> - jextract: head of "jdk21" branch
>> - Command line: sh ./gradlew
>> -Pjdk21_home=/Users/me/Documents/zulu21.0.69-ea-jdk21.0.0-ea.28-macosx_aarch64
>> -Pllvm_home=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/ clean verify
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