jextract C++ support

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Tue May 23 08:58:19 UTC 2023

On 23/05/2023 05:11, Rel wrote:
> > What I meant for "robust analysis" was to try and establish how many _real-world_ C++ library can really be tackled in 
> such a direct approach.
> Ohh I see now, I am affraid we know the answer for this :)
> Let's imagine if number of C++ libraries which can be covered 
> end-to-end with "simple" approach is 0, does it mean that we should 
> discard it and only focus on shim for binding all kinds of APIs? What 
> about those cases which can be easily extracted using "simple" 
> approach, like Point2d?
Perhaps we should reach out to the Rust community? Their binding 
generator adopts the same simple approach as the one I showed in the 
patch. Given how hard it is to support C++ (because the underlying 
libclang C API is not very solid in that respect), I'd be surprised if 
they maintained all the necessary code just for stuff like Point2d?
> Because I thought that we would like to do "analysis" of what C++ use 
> cases can/cannot be covered with "simple" approach. For example from 
> your previous message I see that we are not completely sure about 
> exceptions:
> > * (probably way more stuff, like exceptions, etc.)
> Similarly for myself I would like to see what are the problems with 
> "dynamic dispatch". I added it to "unhappy" for now, because we expect 
> it not to work, but I plan to test it to see what are the issues there 
> and share here. Similarly with that anyone would be able to reproduce 
> and see same results.
> I guess my question now is: do we think it may be useful to know 
> exactly how many C++ use cases can be covered with "simple" FFM 
> approach. And if answer is yes, then we can use panamaexperiments as a 
> playground where we can have tests for what is covered. This 
> (possibly?) can give us more confidence in limitations of "simple" 
> approach and how far we can go with it (and this can be easily 
> demonstrated to everyone just by running those tests)

I think it would be useful to know some answer to that question, yes. My 
intuition tells me that there are probably two kinds of C++ libraries: 
those who were born that way, and those that moved over from being 
simpler C libraries. One such example in the latter category is OpenCV 
[1]. While its "core" header [2] declares an exception, as well as a 
bunch of classes, eyeballing it, it doesn't seem "too" problematic? 
Perhaps that would be a good point where to start, and, if a library 
such as that can be used with some degree of success, perhaps we can 
expand the search to other similar libraries.

[1] -
[2] -

> Ideas?
> ------- Original Message -------
> On Monday, May 22nd, 2023 at 9:14 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore 
> <maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
>> On 22/05/2023 04:12, Rel wrote:
>>>> But I believe some more robust
>>>> analysis should be made to understand exactly how many APIs can be
>>>> supported in this "simple" fashion.
>>> Yes, I started to gather such analysis here;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!KOxdK2qmmSzlaaO3kSlSUG2-ifWAVRD6OHlz9NHYvuggmy7NnnNxWvHYcxDm0Vn4gPXlbasjfC-ehIx_KlWNYiU$
>>> Currently there is only one happy case [;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!KOxdK2qmmSzlaaO3kSlSUG2-ifWAVRD6OHlz9NHYvuggmy7NnnNxWvHYcxDm0Vn4gPXlbasjfC-ehIx_K7Nl50c$  ] which is Point2d class from your foo.hpp file.
>> This is not too surprising - after all the hacky changes I shared 
>> were built around that example.
>> What I meant for "robust analysis" was to try and establish how many 
>> _real-world_ C++ library can really be tackled in such a direct 
>> approach. My feeling is "not many" - but I don't have any hard data 
>> to back up this claim.
>> Maurizio
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