[External] : Re: jextract wayland-client
Jorn Vernee
jorn.vernee at oracle.com
Sun Apr 21 23:25:30 UTC 2024
A pointer type is always supported, so it should not prevent a function
that uses such a type from being generated.
Are you seeing any warnings about `wl_display_get_registry` being
skipped because of an unsupported type?
Could you shared the header file declaration of wl_display_get_registry?
On 22/04/2024 00:51, Thiago Milczarek Sayão wrote:
> Hello Jorn,
> Thanks for replying.
> I think it's by design - those fields of wl_registry are private and
> only accessible through wl_registry functions;
> The problem is that it does not generate the functions that uses it,
> for example wl_display_get_registry
> I did:
> jextract --output src/main/java -t org.freedesktop.wayland.client \
> --header-class-name WlClientProto`pkg-config --cflags-only-I wayland-client` \
> `pkg-config --libs wayland-client` \
> /usr/include/wayland-client-protocol.h
> The clarified message looks good.
> Em dom., 21 de abr. de 2024 às 18:30, Jorn Vernee
> <jorn.vernee at oracle.com> escreveu:
> Hello Thiago,
> It looks like the library you are using uses opaque types. Or, in
> other words, a type that is declared but not defined, such as:
> struct Foo;
> These types are not supported by jextract in the sense that the
> header file does not contain any definition for these types, so
> jextract also can't generate any code to access the fields of such
> a struct. This is not a current limitation of jextract, but a
> limitation imposed by the wayland library.
> This is known as the 'opaque pointer idiom' [1]. It is a way of
> encapsulating the internals of a type, while still allowing a
> client to use it. It looks like the wayland library uses types
> like these in a lot of places. It doesn't mean that the library is
> unusable, it just means that the contents of these structs is not
> exposed by the library (and therefore /cannot/ be exposed by
> jextract). i.e. this is by design. You should still be able to use
> the library through the generated bindings.
> I think for clarity we could perhaps change the warning message
> that jextract prints to something like:
> WARNING: Skipping wl_registry (type Declared(wl_registry) is
> declared but not defined)
> HTH,
> Jorn
> [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opaque_pointer
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opaque_pointer__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!J7UcZ_pVCMYJLfWJp9TZNELYAFrerMmP-yIjI1X6pBl6Zfx8gKLGiEb8ESgd_FTELrMqKd0F8pBF_Zs6zquT91c$>
> On 21/04/2024 18:58, Thiago Milczarek Sayão wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to make a java wayland client (currently as a proof of
>> concept).
>> I've attempted to generate the bindings like this:
>> jextract --output src -t org.freedesktop.wayland.client
>> --header-class-name WlClient -lwayland-client
>> /usr/include/wayland-client.h
>> But the wl_xxx types seem to not be supported as it outputs:
>> WARNING: Skipping wl_registry (type Declared(wl_registry) is not
>> supported)
>> I've probably hit a current limitation. Is it expected to work in
>> the future?
>> Thanks.
>> -- Thiago.
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