RFR: 7903682: Misformatted --help message

Maurizio Cimadamore mcimadamore at openjdk.org
Fri Feb 23 21:57:07 UTC 2024

On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 19:47:46 GMT, Jorn Vernee <jvernee at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Fix some formatting issues in the `--help` message. The new message looks correct to me now:
>> .\build\jextract\bin\jextract.bat --help
> Usage: jextract <options> <header file>
> Option                             Description
> ------                             -----------
> -?, -h, --help                     print help
> -D --define-macro <macro>=<value>  define <macro> to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted)
> -I, --include-dir <dir>            add directory to the end of the list of include search paths
> --dump-includes <file>             dump included symbols into specified file
> --header-class-name <name>         name of the generated header class. If this option is not
>                                    specified, then header class name is derived from the header
>                                    file name. For example, class "foo_h" for header "foo.h".
> --include-function <name>          name of function to include
> --include-constant <name>          name of macro or enum constant to include
> --include-struct <name>            name of struct definition to include
> --include-typedef <name>           name of type definition to include
> --include-union <name>             name of union definition to include
> --include-var <name>               name of global variable to include
> -l, --library <libspec>            specify a shared library that should be loaded by the
>                                    generated header class. If <libspec> starts with :, then
>                                    what follows is interpreted as a library path. Otherwise,
>                                    <libspec> denotes a library name. Examples:
>                                       -l GL
>                                       -l :libGL.so.1
>                                       -l :/usr/lib/libGL.so.1
> --use-system-load-library          libraries specified using -l are loaded in the loader symbol
>                                    lookup (using either System::loadLibrary, or System::load).
>                                    Useful if the libraries must be loaded from one of the paths
>                                    in java.library.path.
> --output <path>                    specify the directory to place generated files. If this
>                                    option is not specified, then current directory is used.
> --source                           generate java sources
> -t, --target-package <package>     target package name for the generated classes. If this option
>                        ...

Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Reviewer).


PR Review: https://git.openjdk.org/jextract/pull/225#pullrequestreview-1899002649

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