type Void is not supported

Adrian Trapletti a.trapletti at ustermetrics.com
Sat Jul 20 21:06:03 UTC 2024


The reason for the warnings seem to be

Otherwise the generated bindings look good.

Maybe a nice to have would be that jextract prints the line number that is
responsible for a warning together with the warning?

Thanks and best regards,

Dr. Adrian Trapletti

Uster Metrics GmbH
Steinstrasse 9b
8610 Uster, Switzerland

P +41 32 512 83 63
M +41 79 103 71 31

a.trapletti at ustermetrics.com

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On Sat, Jul 20, 2024, 19:12 Adrian Trapletti <a.trapletti at ustermetrics.com>

> Hi,
> I am trying to generate bindings for
> https://github.com/oxfordcontrol/Clarabel.cpp/blob/main/include/Clarabel.h
> Jextract issues the following warnings
> WARNING: Skipping ClarabelDefaultSolver_f64 (type Void is not supported)
> WARNING: Skipping ClarabelDefaultSolver_f32 (type Void is not supported)
> WARNING: Skipping ClarabelDefaultSolver (type Void is not supported)
> For me it seems that the returned void pointer is not supported
> https://github.com/oxfordcontrol/Clarabel.cpp/blob/main/include/c/DefaultSolver.h#L29
> Is this a known issue? Is there a workaround?
> Thank you and best regards
> Adrian
> *Dr. Adrian Trapletti*
> *Uster Metrics GmbH  *|  Steinstrasse 9b, 8610 Uster, Switzerland
> P +41 32 512 83 63  |  M +41 79 103 71 31
> a.trapletti at ustermetrics.com  |  www.ustermetrics.com
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