warning: 'dllexport' attribute only applies to ...

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Mon Nov 18 09:59:35 UTC 2024

I believe this is caused by the fact that jextract now propagates all 
diagnostics from the underlying clang parsing:


I suppose that change is what is generating the extra "noise", although 
in this case it's possible that there's indeed a real "issue" in the 
underlying header file, where __declspec is applied to some incorrect 
program element.

I guess in the future it might be possible to add a knob to select the 
level of "noise" coming from clang. In some cases it might be useful to 
see some of these messges, but I can also imagine cases where (e.g. 
during a build of something that's known to work) perhaps having too 
many messages from the underlying clang compiler might not be desirable. 
Something simple like verbose:all/info/warn/error.


On 16/11/2024 12:42, Jonathan Rosenne wrote:
> With the new version 22-jextract+6-47 I am receiving the following 
> warning:
> "warning: 'dllexport' attribute only applies to functions, variables, 
> classes, and Objective-C interfaces"
> The functions are defined indirectly (by means of a macro) for as 
> __declspec(dllexport)
> The output is identical to that produced by the previous version.
> Best Regards,
> Jonathan Rosenne
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