Flathub is not accepting my app that uses Foreign Functions and Memory API

Davide Perini perini.davide at dpsoftware.org
Sat Nov 23 11:52:31 UTC 2024

Hi there,
I wrote a small app that uses Foreign Functions and Memory API to show 
some toasts on Linux
using libnotify.

The bindings is available here:

Flathub maintainers are not accepting my app because they say that 
libnotify is already included in their runtime and that the libnotify is 
"build only".
I bundled the builded .so file in my app and it works well,
but they don't like that I need a .so file for this and they are not 
accepting my app.

Is there something I'm not understanding?


Is there a way to do what I'm doing better?


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