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<p>Jextract uses clang underneath, which uses the platform jextract
is run on as the target platform as well. i.e. options (2).<br>
<p>So, e.g., if I run jextract on Windows x64, I get Java bindings
for Windows x64.</p>
<p>(Clang also has some cross-compilation capabilities, using
-target, but currently that is not exposed. It probably would
require more work to get fully functional as well)<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 22/08/2022 12:39, Manuel
Bleichenbacher wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid:CAA7F5j+5pyUu80TBJnh+ukUa0Pwwk7sf+buG+1yD=jeYu7i1OA@mail.gmail.com">
<div dir="ltr">
<div>I'm migrating this detail question over from the panama-dev
mailing list: can jextract built for macOS on Intel run on
macOS for ARM generate correct code for macOS on ARM?</div>
<div>Note that the architecture (Intel vs ARM) affects three
separate things:</div>
<li>jextract (the JVM and jextract are built for a certain
platform and architecture)</li>
<li>the architecture where jextract is run (macOS can run
Intel code on ARM)</li>
<li>the architecture of the resulting / the architecture
where the generated code will be run</li>
<div>I understand that separate code is needed for different
platforms and architectures. So typically you would run
jextract on each platform separately. But what decides if
jextract generates code for ARM or Intel? Is it (1) the
jextract variant or is it (2) the operating system it is run
on? Or does it even generate an unusable result if (1) and
(2) are different?<br>