import java.lang.invoke.*;
import java.lang.foreign.*;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;

import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.*;
import static java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout.PathElement.*;

 * {@snippet lang=c :
 * struct in6_addr {
 *     union {
 *         __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16];
 *         __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8];
 *         __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4];
 *     } __u6_addr;
 * }
 * }
public class in6_addr {

    in6_addr() {
        // Should not be called directly

    private static final GroupLayout $LAYOUT = MemoryLayout.structLayout(
        in6_addr.union (unnamed at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk/usr/include/netinet6/in6.h:153:2).layout().withName("__u6_addr")

     * The layout of this struct
    public static final GroupLayout layout() {
        return $LAYOUT;

     * {@snippet lang=c :
     * union {
     *     __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16];
     *     __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8];
     *     __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4];
     * }
     * }
    public static class union (unnamed at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk/usr/include/netinet6/in6.h:153:2) {

        union (unnamed at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk/usr/include/netinet6/in6.h:153:2)() {
            // Should not be called directly

        private static final GroupLayout $LAYOUT = MemoryLayout.unionLayout(
            MemoryLayout.sequenceLayout(16, plc.C_CHAR).withName("__u6_addr8"),
            MemoryLayout.sequenceLayout(8, plc.C_SHORT).withName("__u6_addr16"),
            MemoryLayout.sequenceLayout(4, plc.C_INT).withName("__u6_addr32")
        ).withName("union (unnamed at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk/usr/include/netinet6/in6.h:153:2)");

         * The layout of this union
        public static final GroupLayout layout() {
            return $LAYOUT;

        private static final SequenceLayout __u6_addr8$LAYOUT = (SequenceLayout)$"__u6_addr8"));

         * Layout for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16]
         * }
        public static final SequenceLayout __u6_addr8$layout() {
            return __u6_addr8$LAYOUT;

        private static final long __u6_addr8$OFFSET = 0;

         * Offset for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16]
         * }
        public static final long __u6_addr8$offset() {
            return __u6_addr8$OFFSET;

         * Getter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16]
         * }
        public static MemorySegment __u6_addr8(MemorySegment union) {
            return union.asSlice(__u6_addr8$OFFSET, __u6_addr8$LAYOUT.byteSize());

         * Setter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16]
         * }
        public static void __u6_addr8(MemorySegment union, MemorySegment fieldValue) {
            MemorySegment.copy(fieldValue, 0L, union, __u6_addr8$OFFSET, __u6_addr8$LAYOUT.byteSize());

        private static long[] __u6_addr8$DIMS = { 16 };

         * Dimensions for array field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16]
         * }
        public static long[] __u6_addr8$dimensions() {
            return __u6_addr8$DIMS;
        private static final VarHandle __u6_addr8$ELEM_HANDLE = __u6_addr8$LAYOUT.varHandle(sequenceElement());

         * Indexed getter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16]
         * }
        public static byte __u6_addr8(MemorySegment union, long index0) {
            return (byte)__u6_addr8$ELEM_HANDLE.get(union, 0L, index0);

         * Indexed setter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16]
         * }
        public static void __u6_addr8(MemorySegment union, long index0, byte fieldValue) {
            __u6_addr8$ELEM_HANDLE.set(union, 0L, index0, fieldValue);

        private static final SequenceLayout __u6_addr16$LAYOUT = (SequenceLayout)$"__u6_addr16"));

         * Layout for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8]
         * }
        public static final SequenceLayout __u6_addr16$layout() {
            return __u6_addr16$LAYOUT;

        private static final long __u6_addr16$OFFSET = 0;

         * Offset for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8]
         * }
        public static final long __u6_addr16$offset() {
            return __u6_addr16$OFFSET;

         * Getter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8]
         * }
        public static MemorySegment __u6_addr16(MemorySegment union) {
            return union.asSlice(__u6_addr16$OFFSET, __u6_addr16$LAYOUT.byteSize());

         * Setter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8]
         * }
        public static void __u6_addr16(MemorySegment union, MemorySegment fieldValue) {
            MemorySegment.copy(fieldValue, 0L, union, __u6_addr16$OFFSET, __u6_addr16$LAYOUT.byteSize());

        private static long[] __u6_addr16$DIMS = { 8 };

         * Dimensions for array field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8]
         * }
        public static long[] __u6_addr16$dimensions() {
            return __u6_addr16$DIMS;
        private static final VarHandle __u6_addr16$ELEM_HANDLE = __u6_addr16$LAYOUT.varHandle(sequenceElement());

         * Indexed getter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8]
         * }
        public static short __u6_addr16(MemorySegment union, long index0) {
            return (short)__u6_addr16$ELEM_HANDLE.get(union, 0L, index0);

         * Indexed setter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8]
         * }
        public static void __u6_addr16(MemorySegment union, long index0, short fieldValue) {
            __u6_addr16$ELEM_HANDLE.set(union, 0L, index0, fieldValue);

        private static final SequenceLayout __u6_addr32$LAYOUT = (SequenceLayout)$"__u6_addr32"));

         * Layout for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4]
         * }
        public static final SequenceLayout __u6_addr32$layout() {
            return __u6_addr32$LAYOUT;

        private static final long __u6_addr32$OFFSET = 0;

         * Offset for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4]
         * }
        public static final long __u6_addr32$offset() {
            return __u6_addr32$OFFSET;

         * Getter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4]
         * }
        public static MemorySegment __u6_addr32(MemorySegment union) {
            return union.asSlice(__u6_addr32$OFFSET, __u6_addr32$LAYOUT.byteSize());

         * Setter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4]
         * }
        public static void __u6_addr32(MemorySegment union, MemorySegment fieldValue) {
            MemorySegment.copy(fieldValue, 0L, union, __u6_addr32$OFFSET, __u6_addr32$LAYOUT.byteSize());

        private static long[] __u6_addr32$DIMS = { 4 };

         * Dimensions for array field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4]
         * }
        public static long[] __u6_addr32$dimensions() {
            return __u6_addr32$DIMS;
        private static final VarHandle __u6_addr32$ELEM_HANDLE = __u6_addr32$LAYOUT.varHandle(sequenceElement());

         * Indexed getter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4]
         * }
        public static int __u6_addr32(MemorySegment union, long index0) {
            return (int)__u6_addr32$ELEM_HANDLE.get(union, 0L, index0);

         * Indexed setter for field:
         * {@snippet lang=c :
         * __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4]
         * }
        public static void __u6_addr32(MemorySegment union, long index0, int fieldValue) {
            __u6_addr32$ELEM_HANDLE.set(union, 0L, index0, fieldValue);

         * Obtains a slice of {@code arrayParam} which selects the array element at {@code index}.
         * The returned segment has address {@code arrayParam.address() + index * layout().byteSize()}
        public static MemorySegment asSlice(MemorySegment array, long index) {
            return array.asSlice(layout().byteSize() * index);

         * The size (in bytes) of this union
        public static long sizeof() { return layout().byteSize(); }

         * Allocate a segment of size {@code layout().byteSize()} using {@code allocator}
        public static MemorySegment allocate(SegmentAllocator allocator) {
            return allocator.allocate(layout());

         * Allocate an array of size {@code elementCount} using {@code allocator}.
         * The returned segment has size {@code elementCount * layout().byteSize()}.
        public static MemorySegment allocateArray(long elementCount, SegmentAllocator allocator) {
            return allocator.allocate(MemoryLayout.sequenceLayout(elementCount, layout()));

         * Reinterprets {@code addr} using target {@code arena} and {@code cleanupAction} (if any).
         * The returned segment has size {@code layout().byteSize()}
        public static MemorySegment reinterpret(MemorySegment addr, Arena arena, Consumer<MemorySegment> cleanup) {
            return reinterpret(addr, 1, arena, cleanup);

         * Reinterprets {@code addr} using target {@code arena} and {@code cleanupAction} (if any).
         * The returned segment has size {@code elementCount * layout().byteSize()}
        public static MemorySegment reinterpret(MemorySegment addr, long elementCount, Arena arena, Consumer<MemorySegment> cleanup) {
            return addr.reinterpret(layout().byteSize() * elementCount, arena, cleanup);

    private static final GroupLayout __u6_addr$LAYOUT = (GroupLayout)$"__u6_addr"));

     * Layout for field:
     * {@snippet lang=c :
     * union {
     *     __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16];
     *     __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8];
     *     __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4];
     * } __u6_addr
     * }
    public static final GroupLayout __u6_addr$layout() {
        return __u6_addr$LAYOUT;

    private static final long __u6_addr$OFFSET = 0;

     * Offset for field:
     * {@snippet lang=c :
     * union {
     *     __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16];
     *     __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8];
     *     __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4];
     * } __u6_addr
     * }
    public static final long __u6_addr$offset() {
        return __u6_addr$OFFSET;

     * Getter for field:
     * {@snippet lang=c :
     * union {
     *     __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16];
     *     __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8];
     *     __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4];
     * } __u6_addr
     * }
    public static MemorySegment __u6_addr(MemorySegment struct) {
        return struct.asSlice(__u6_addr$OFFSET, __u6_addr$LAYOUT.byteSize());

     * Setter for field:
     * {@snippet lang=c :
     * union {
     *     __uint8_t __u6_addr8[16];
     *     __uint16_t __u6_addr16[8];
     *     __uint32_t __u6_addr32[4];
     * } __u6_addr
     * }
    public static void __u6_addr(MemorySegment struct, MemorySegment fieldValue) {
        MemorySegment.copy(fieldValue, 0L, struct, __u6_addr$OFFSET, __u6_addr$LAYOUT.byteSize());

     * Obtains a slice of {@code arrayParam} which selects the array element at {@code index}.
     * The returned segment has address {@code arrayParam.address() + index * layout().byteSize()}
    public static MemorySegment asSlice(MemorySegment array, long index) {
        return array.asSlice(layout().byteSize() * index);

     * The size (in bytes) of this struct
    public static long sizeof() { return layout().byteSize(); }

     * Allocate a segment of size {@code layout().byteSize()} using {@code allocator}
    public static MemorySegment allocate(SegmentAllocator allocator) {
        return allocator.allocate(layout());

     * Allocate an array of size {@code elementCount} using {@code allocator}.
     * The returned segment has size {@code elementCount * layout().byteSize()}.
    public static MemorySegment allocateArray(long elementCount, SegmentAllocator allocator) {
        return allocator.allocate(MemoryLayout.sequenceLayout(elementCount, layout()));

     * Reinterprets {@code addr} using target {@code arena} and {@code cleanupAction} (if any).
     * The returned segment has size {@code layout().byteSize()}
    public static MemorySegment reinterpret(MemorySegment addr, Arena arena, Consumer<MemorySegment> cleanup) {
        return reinterpret(addr, 1, arena, cleanup);

     * Reinterprets {@code addr} using target {@code arena} and {@code cleanupAction} (if any).
     * The returned segment has size {@code elementCount * layout().byteSize()}
    public static MemorySegment reinterpret(MemorySegment addr, long elementCount, Arena arena, Consumer<MemorySegment> cleanup) {
        return addr.reinterpret(layout().byteSize() * elementCount, arena, cleanup);