Jigsaw and provides

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Wed Dec 16 13:20:41 PST 2009


Does the current impl of Jigsaw support "provides"?

I'm trying to port forward and debug a regression test from an earlier 
impl world. The test uses "provides", and I'm seeing the following trace 

|   -- resolving m1 requires m3
JavacCatalog.gatherLocalModuleIds: moduleName:m3--[mX]
|   -- fail: requires m3
|   - fail: m1
|   fail: requires m1

The JavacCatalog lines in the middle can be read as searching for m3, 
and finding a module named mX (that provides m3.)  Yet, the resolution 
is failing. So, I'm trying to figure out if "provides" is supported, and 
if so, is the fault in javac or somewhere else.

-- Jon

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