bootstrapping javac and JDK 7
Jonathan Gibbons
Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Thu Nov 5 18:45:28 PST 2009
Although I'm not in a position to push any bits yet, I've just reached a
notable milestone for being able to compile langtools against (selected)
Here's the problem we are dealing with: we have to be able to compile
(most of) langtools using the boot JDK. (Currently, JDK 6) This is
because we will be using the langtools javac to compile the rest of the
JDK 7 source code, which means the we don't have a JDK 7 binary to run
on or even compile against at this point. Until recently, the boot JDK
was sufficient for all of langtools, and life was (relatively) simple.
However, now there are new features in JDK 7 we would like to be able to
use if the compiler is running on JDK 7. So far, there are two such
features: new NIO, and the module system. My blog entry [1] describes
how javac can provide a file manager based on the new NIO API. This
means that a JSR 199 client can wrap any new NIO FileSystem with a
JavaFileManager for use by javac and related tools. And separately,
javac must also be able to interact with the module system when it is
available. (i.e. when javac is actually running on a fully built JDK 7.)
So, how do we get to build javac such that it can use JDK 7 API, which
for the most part should be allowed to use JDK 7 language features?
For a start, we have to restrict the use of JDK 7 features within javac
as much as possible. That means limiting the use of JDK 7 features to a
restricted set of javac classes, such that javac can function
sufficiently well when those classes are not available (i.e. during
bootstrapping.) For all the other classes, they can be built as before,
using the boot JDK. The problem is how to compile the remaining classes
that depend on JDK 7 API.
There are two solutions, each with their respective advantages and
The first approach is to restructure the JDK build, so that we can build
the bootstrap compiler first, then the other repos, like corba, jaxp,
jaxws, and jdk, and then go back to langtools a second time to build the
remaining classes, now that we have class files for the rest of JDK that
we can compile against. This approach is conceptually simple, but would
be complicated to achieve in practice.
The second approach is to retain the structure of the current JDK build,
and to compile javac against the source files of the as-yet-uncompiled
JDK. Here's how this works: at least in theory. Use the boot JDK to
compile a bootstrap compiler that can run on the boot JDK. This
bootstrap compiler must not use any JDK 7 features. Even though the
bootstrap compiler must run on the boot JDK, it will be able to read and
compile JDK 7 code. So we can use it to compile a new copy of javac,
including those parts that depend on JDK 7 API. To do that we need to
put the JDK 7 source code on the source path for the compilation. Or
so you would think. There are two major problems. The first is that
when javac reads files from the source path, it will end up trying to
compile the transitive closure of all the dependencies of those files.
So even though javac may initially depend on just the new NIO API and
the module system API, you eventually end up trying to compile files in
AWT (really!) because of the dependencies that exist. As bad as that is,
the second problem is worse. At the time we want to compile javac, not
all of the JDK source code is available. Some may be platform specific,
and some will need to be generated automatically by rules inside the JDK
makefiles that have yet to run.
The problem is that by placing the JDK source tree on the source path,
we end up having to analyze the implementation details of those classes,
and from there to all their dependencies. The solution is not to use the
source files directly, but to compile against stubs files that contain
the publicly visible details of the class, as needed for the
compilation. It would be a maintenance nightmare to create and manually
maintain the necessary stub files, so I have written a utility which
strips out enough of the details of the classes we need, such they can
used to compile langtools. We don't need stub files for all of JDK, just
for those parts of JDK which we need to be able to use from javac, plus,
of course, enough of their dependencies to be able to compile the stubs
As a result, langtools can now be built in the following ways:
-- if you don't supply a path for JDK 7 classes, it will build langtools
excluding any classes that depend on JDK 7 API. This is done
automatically to build a bootstrap compiler.
-- if you supply a path for the main JDK 7 source code (i.e.
jdk/src/share/classes), it will create those stubs necessary to build
langtools, and then build all of langtools. This would be the normal
mode used as part of a full JDK build. The list of stubs is specified
explicitly, but maintaining a list of the files for which stubs are
required is a lot simpler than maintaining the stubs themselves.
-- if you supply a path for a previously built version of JDK (i.e.
jre/lib/rt.jar), it will simply compile langtools in conjunction with
that jar file. This saves having to create and compile the stub files,
and is for the convenience of langtools developers who don't need to do
a full JDK build using the boot JDK.
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