Defining a minimal boot module
Mandy Chung
Mandy.Chung at Sun.COM
Fri Oct 23 13:34:27 PDT 2009
Mark Reinhold wrote:
> Your list looks far too short to me. It should at least include HashMap
> and HashSet, which I know are used in the Jigsaw runtime and also in some
> key java.lang classes.
I was only referring to one specific class "java.util.Collections" and
thus the list is so short. I wanted to point out that
java.util.Collections (an outer class) has 48 inner classes that
altogether takes up 114091 bytes. But only 8 of the
java.util.Collections inner classes are used during boot.
As for the Java collections framework, 41 collections classes are used
during boot (see attached collections.boot). My current boot module has
144 collections classes but 90 of them are the inner classes that should
go together with those 41 classes.
Mark Reinhold wrote:
> (Moving this thread to the open list)
>> Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 12:35:56 -0700
>> From: mandy.chung at
>> Mark Reinhold wrote:
>>>> Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:44:42 -0700
>>>> From: mandy.chung at
>>>> ...
>>>> One other note:
>>>> java.util.Collections + its 48 inner classes take 114091 bytes
>>>> I am not suggesting to remove java.util.Collections from the boot module but
>>>> just as a reference. Individual class is small but they add up.
>>> How many collections classes are actually used during boot?
>>> I'd guess a lot less than 48.
>> 8 classes:
>> java.util.Collections
>> java.util.Collections$EmptyList
>> java.util.Collections$EmptyMap
>> java.util.Collections$EmptySet
>> java.util.Collections$SetFromMap
>> java.util.Collections$SynchronizedCollection
>> java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap
>> java.util.Collections$SynchronizedSet
>> It used to be fewer (3-4) before the parallel class loader change. I am
>> looking into avoiding initializing the parallelLoaders static variable.
>> Excluding java.util.Collections from the boot module seems a good idea to me at
>> first but I was concerned that is too strict restriction for future
>> development. Is it reasonable not to allow to use Collections during boot? I
>> guess so.
> Your list looks far too short to me. It should at least include HashMap
> and HashSet, which I know are used in the Jigsaw runtime and also in some
> key java.lang classes.
> - Mark
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