RPM support update

Dalibor Topic Dalibor.Topic at Sun.COM
Wed Oct 28 16:06:26 PDT 2009

jon.vanalten at redhat.com wrote:
> Dalibor, we can adapt to parsing the output of jpkg in whatever format you end up implementing, but can you post with some idea of how you envision the output?


I am thinking of the output being a simple list of property-like
assignments, in the form of jigsaw.x.y.z=something which should
be directly usable in scripts, translatable to XML via the
Properties API, etc.

So, for example, dumping the metadata of a simple hello world
module would result in the output

jigsaw.moduleinfo.id.name = org.openjdk.jigsaw.test.hello
jigsaw.moduleinfo.id.version = 1.0
jigsaw.moduleinfo.requires.1 = jdk.base @ 7-ea
jigsaw.moduleinfo.requires.2 = something.else @ 0.4
jigsaw.moduleinfo.mainClass = org.openjdk.jigsaw.test.hello.HelloWorld

with the hierarchical naming according to the data types in

where a set of items like the requires would be represented as
a set of assignments with a different number at the end (j.m.r.1,
j.m.r.2 above).

In terms of granularity, I think this is a preferable form to splitting
the dependencies apart further - as each dependence itself consists of a
set of dependence modifiers, a module name, and a version query, and I
am not sure that

jigsaw.moduleinfo.requires.1.name = jdk.base
jigsaw.modileinfo.requires.1.versionQuery = 7-ea

is a better representation for your needs then

jigsaw.moduleinfo.requires.1 = jdk.base @ 7-ea

what do you think?

dalibor topic
Dalibor Topic 			Tel: (+49 40) 23 646 738
Java F/OSS Ambassador 		AIM: robiladonaim
Sun Microsystems GmbH 		Mobile: (+49 177) 2664 192
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D-20097 Hamburg 		mailto:Dalibor.Topic at sun.com
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