javac modes

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Mon Apr 5 15:10:53 PDT 2010

Alex Buckley wrote:
> On 4/4/2010 9:57 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> 2. Module resolution mode
>> This refers to the way in which javac locates classes and resolves 
>> module dependencies. 
> Do you mean: "in which javac locates classes *of modules other than 
> the module for the compilation unit being compiled* and resolves 
> module dependencies *of the module for the compilation unit being 
> compiled*" ?

Being very pedantic, no, I did not mean what you said, because you 
seemed to limit the description to a single compilation unit, whereas I 
was trying to come up with a more general "big-picture" description.  If 
you were to pluralize the occurrences of "compilation unit" in your 
amended description, I would have less issue.

> I ask because I'm trying to work out where fits in. 
> Oh wait, here it is:
>> In both modes, a module or modules found on the command line (either 
>> explicitly or on one of the available path options) will be taken 
>> into account by the module resolver, which will look for any 
>> unresolved dependencies in the system module library, or a library 
>> specified by the -L option.
> So you can supply one file (3a) or multiple 
> files (3b) on the command line, whether resolution is 
> done with Jigsaw (2a) or ZeroMod (2c).
Yes, that is a subset of what I was saying. You may also find 
module-info files on the class path, source path or module path.   But 
yes, the primary functionality difference between Jigsaw (2a) and 
ZeroMod (2c) is where unresolved modules are found (i.e. module 
libraries) and how the versions are handled

> If you supply zero files on the command line, in 
> which modes will module-info.class be read silently to obtain 
> dependencies for normal compilation units supplied on the command line?

This is a function of the module resolution mode only.  module-info 
files will definitely be read in Jigsaw (2a) and ZeroMod (2c) modes. 
(2d) disables all module processing, so there will be no searching for 
module-info files. 294 RI is not yet supported, and it is TBD whether 
that mode is explicitly enabled with a new option, or whether it is the 
result of processing modules when no module-info files are to be found 
(in which case, what do we do if some but not all module-info files are 

> Alex

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