Please review the change to access the annotations from module-info
Mandy Chung
mandy.chung at
Wed Apr 28 16:26:45 PDT 2010
Thanks for the review.
Joe Darcy wrote:
> Hello.
> Some comments from a first pass over the code:
> In, I recommend adding an "@see
> java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement#isAnnotationPresent" to the
> isAnnotationPresent method.
> In, if you want to start using some new language
> features, the following line is an ideal candidate for the diamond
> operator:
Thanks for the new language features. Will switch to use that.
> 70 private Map<String, ModuleInfoAnnotation> annotationTypes = new
> LinkedHashMap<String, ModuleInfoAnnotation>();
> With diamond
> 70 private Map<String, ModuleInfoAnnotation> annotationTypes = new
> LinkedHashMap<>();
> Later in that file, this looks like a candidate for strings in switch:
> 135 if (name.equals(MODULE))
> 136 readModule();
> 137 else if (name.equals(MODULE_PROVIDES))
> 138 readModuleProvides();
> 139 else if (name.equals(MODULE_REQUIRES))
> 140 readModuleRequires();
> 141 else if (name.equals(MODULE_PERMITS))
> 142 readModulePermits();
> 143 else if (name.equals(MODULE_CLASS))
> 144 readModuleClass();
> 145 else if (name.equals(RUNTIME_VISABLE_ANNOTATION)) {
> 146 readAnnotations();
> 147 } else {
> 148 in.skip(length);
> switch(name) {
> case MODULE:
> readModule(); break;
> ...
> }
> In src/share/classes/java/lang/module/, this method body
> 43 // Module names must be legal Java identifiers
> 44 //
> 45 public static final String checkModuleName(String nm) {
> 46 if (nm == null)
> 47 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
> 48 int n = nm.length();
> 49 if (n == 0 || !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(nm.charAt(0)))
> 50 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
> 51 for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
> 52 char c = nm.charAt(i);
> 53 if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) && (c != '.'))
> 54 throw new IllegalArgumentException(nm
> 55 + ": Illegal
> module-name"
> 56 + " character"
> 57 + " at index "
> + i);
> 58 }
> 59 return nm;
> 60 }
> could be replaced by a call to SourceVersion.isIdentifier:
> An advantage of the isIdentifier method is that it does the right
> thing in regard to code points; see the code in
> for the codepoint-correct loop if you can't call this method.
Thanks for the pointer. I'll replace it with the codepoint correct
loop. javax.lang.model is not in the boot module and so we can't call it.
> /src/share/classes/java/lang/reflect/
> Is there a reason the annotation handling code here looks different
> from the analogous code in java.lang.reflect.Constructor?
module-info.class is not loaded as a Class. Instead, it's parsed by
ModuleInfoReader. So we can't use AnnotationParser.parseAnnotations
unless we create a ClassLoader to load module-info.class into the VM.
> Should Module extend AccessbileObject?
Good question. I don't think so. Alex and Mark, what do you think?
> src/share/classes/java/lang/module/
> 53 * Represents an annotation in module-info.class. This class is
> 54 * based on the library.
> 55 *
> 56 * @see
> I don't think the official javadoc of a java.lang.* class should
> reference a com.sun.* class.
I can take that out. The ModuleInfoAnnotation is a package-private
class and so I would think it's okay.
> As to how this class is structured, I'm not familiar with the origin
> of provenance of However, perhaps
> the time has come to have a unified "arms length annotation maker" to
> subsume the functionality in
> langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/apt/mirror/declaration/
> and a similar class in javac.
> src/share/classes/java/lang/module/
> 44 */
> 45 public class UnsupportedElementTypeException extends
> RuntimeException {
> 46 47 private static final long serialVersionUID = 269;
> 48 49 private transient List<String> classnames; // cannot be
> serialized
> I assume you used javax.lang.model.type.MirroredTypeException[s] for
> inspiration here :-)
I copied from MirroredTypeExceptions but forget to clean it up :)
> A difference is that the classname UnsupportedElementTypeException
> should be able to be serialized since it is just a list of strings;
> the MirroredTypeExceptions cannot be serialized because the Type
> objects are tied up in a lot of internal javac state. (And if
> UnsupportedElementTypeException is made fully serializable, it should
> define a good serial form for the classname.)
Will clean that up.
> As a general comment, I would encourage shell regression tests to be
> rewritten as java tests.
It was good to know that langtools shell regression tests were converted
to java tests. I will do that some time.
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