Module-file format (DRAFT)

Mark Reinhold mr at
Tue Jan 19 10:30:04 PST 2010

> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 14:52:01 -0800
> From: alex.buckley at

> - Does "length of filename" mean a) number of bytes in the 'name' item, or b)
> the number of Unicode code points in the 'name' item ?

The former.

> - Filenames can include path separators, implying relative filenames. What are
> they relative to, or does it not matter?

It doesn't matter.

> - A top-level ModuleFile structure would contain ModuleFileHeader +
> ModuleInfoSection + an array of section objects + HashSection. A count of the
> number of section objects is useful as a minimal well-formedness check.

Okay; added.

> - In ModuleFileHeader, it would be super-smart to add a 'u2 meta_version' item
> that indicates the version scheme used for 'major' and 'minor'. This allows
> corrections to the semantics of major/minor over time.

That seems like overkill -- it's really just another version-number
element.  If we someday have to make such a deep change that new
major/minor semantics are required then we can just define a new file

> - Is a u4 really enough for every size item?

Probably not.  Upgraded to u8.

- Mark

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