Module-file format (DRAFT)

Reinier Zwitserloot reinier at
Wed Jan 20 10:06:21 PST 2010

Looks good, Mark.

One more comment:

> Moving the section size up into the overall section header does make
> sense for the purpose of skipping whole sections; I'll do that.

Right, but if file sections get their own sizes, then it doesn't make much
sense anymore to let the entire file size be stored in u8, but have section
sizes be constrained by u4; I imagine that if ever a module file does need
to be made that is >4gb in size, then there's one chunk in the module
containing, lets say, resources which includes a giant video resource, that
is itself also >4gb in size. Limiting to 4gb now seems like a pretty big
mistake; you're already seeing video resources that are over 4gb (a DVD
dump, for example). Lets say someone wants to ship a standalone video player
app that includes video. In a few years, any 2 hour stream of HD video data
will definitely be larger than 4gb in size. It would seem unfortunate if the
author of such a tool is enforced to either ship the video data separately
or somehow manage to encode it into multiple chunks.

Second point to this: does the 'u' stand for unsigned? u8 in java isn't
exactly convenient. Shaving the top bit off isn't going to have any
significant impact on this format's future-proof-ness.

--Reinier Zwitserloot

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