Training Jigsaw problem facing

cjy xiaodi cjyxiaodi1 at
Thu Jan 21 01:57:04 PST 2010


Regarding the jigsaw tutorial, I type the following command: -l my_dir_list.txt -e my_evidence_list.txt -f seq -t

It gives the following error message:
write: ../42492/42492.my_evidence_list.txt
[jigsaw -f ../42492/42492.seq -e ../42492/42492.my_evidence_list.txt -t ./42492.ev_vec -d . -q 50]
unable to open [./42492.ev_vec.start]

Does anybody facing the same problem?
I'm believe I follow all the instruction to install JIGSAW. Can I know what is the reason causing this happen? How to solve this error message?
I'm using ia64 linux. Thanks a lot for any advice and suggestion.

best regards


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