Code Review Request: running signed modules with SecurityManager

Rémi Forax forax at
Tue Jun 1 07:00:52 PDT 2010

Le 01/06/2010 15:50, Sean Mullan a écrit :
> I posted a new webrev addressing the comments I have received so far:
> If there are no further comments, I plan to putback later today.
> Thanks,
> Sean
> Sean Mullan wrote:
>> Please review the webrev below which contains code changes that add 
>> support for running signed modules with a SecurityManager.
>> Thanks,
>> Sean

Some minor nits with the way exception are created:

   throw new InternalError(cnfe.getMessage());

   should be

   throw (InternalError)new InternalError(cnfe.getMessage()).initCause(cnfe
   - A constructor that takes a String and a cause was added to 
IOException in 1.6.

otherwise I'm okay.


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