can't build jigsaw with new javac

Mandy Chung Mandy.Chung at Sun.COM
Tue Mar 9 18:42:09 PST 2010

Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Mandy,
> It seems anomalous that there are two different values for 
> -Xbootclasspath in the modularize target.
>> /mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/bin/javac  -source 7 
>> -target 7 -encoding ascii 
>> "-Xbootclasspath:/mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/classes"  

This is the value coming from $(JAVACFLAGS) that doesn't have some 
classes from other jar files (sa-jdi.jar).  If sa-jdi.jar is the only 
missing jar file (I have to double check), I could use -Xbootclasspath/a 
>> -d /mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/modules \
>> -Xbootclasspath:/mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/tmp/modules/classes\ 

That's the value I want.  I unjar all jdk jar files in 
$outputdir/tmp/modules/classes as part of the modularization process.

Since $outputdir/tmp/modules/classes has all the jdk classes, I took the 
easiest approach to replace the entire bootclasspath with that.

What about if I use -J-Xbootclasspath:$outputdir/tmp/modules/classes?  
Would javac be able to look up all jdk modules and compile all  Would that be a better temporary workaround for now?


>>         -modulepath 
>> /mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/modules \
>>             -sourcepath 
>> /mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/tmp/modules/src \
>> /mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/tmp/modules/src/*/ 
>> javac: cannot specify both -bootclasspath and -modulepath
>> Usage: javac <options> <source files>
>> use -help for a list of possible options 
> One value comes in via $(JAVACFLAGS), the other is explicit.
> -- Jon
> Mandy Chung wrote:
>> On 03/09/10 12:16, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> Mandy,
>>> What are you trying to do here?  You can't have -Xbootclasspath and 
>>> -modulepath.
>> That was a hack for javac to find classes that are not in the default
>> bootclasspath (e.g. lib/sa-jdi.jar).
>> For example, $outputdir/tmp/modules/src/jsadebugd/
>> has a main class of sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SADebugServer that is not
>> in $outputdir/classes
>> Is there a better way to do this?
>> Mandy
>>>> /mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/bin/javac  -source 
>>>> 7 -target 7 -encoding ascii 
>>>> "-Xbootclasspath:/mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/classes"  
>>>> -d /mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/modules \
>>>> -Xbootclasspath:/mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/tmp/modules/classes\ 
>>>>         -modulepath 
>>>> /mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/modules \
>>>>             -sourcepath 
>>>> /mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/tmp/modules/src \
>>>> /mnt/w/jjg/work/jigsaw/jigsaw/build/linux-amd64/tmp/modules/src/*/ 
>>>> javac: cannot specify both -bootclasspath and -modulepath
>>>> Usage: javac <options> <source files>
>>>> use -help for a list of possible options
>>> See this response from Mark back in December, available here: 
>>>> >/ -- do we allow or forbid any use of bootclasspath with any 
>>>> modular code?
>>>> /
>>>> Forbid.
>>> -- Jon

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