
Mandy Chung Mandy.Chung at Sun.COM
Mon Mar 15 11:28:08 PDT 2010

On 03/15/10 07:31, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Mandy Chung wrote:
>> Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> Mandy,
>>> Thanks.   Given an image, how can I tell what is in it?  Are there 
>>> techniques that do not directly use jigsaw APIs?  For example, if 
>>> jtreg is running on top of JDK 1.6, and is asked to run tests using a 
>>> JDK 1.7 image, can it look at the image to determine what classes are 
>>> available?
>> There isn't necessarily a way.  The module content layout is specific 
>> to the module library implementation.  Like the simple library that 
>> puts all classes on disk in certain layout, the implementation might 
>> change.  We could not count on the module content layout.
>> Mark might have more to say about this.
>> Mandy
> jmod might give me what I want -- I can check the file system to see if 
> jmod exists, and if it does, I can then exec it query for specific modules.

That's right.   I was too focus on the image layout and didn't consider 
tools.   jmod would be the best tool to provide the information.

Currently, jmod show -v will dump the list of classes but the output may 
be hard to parse.  It works for a root module (i.e a module with the 
main entry point).

What exactly do you need to find out from a given image?  How is the 
info being used?


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