testing jigsaw builds

Mandy Chung Mandy.Chung at Sun.COM
Mon Mar 15 16:43:43 PDT 2010

On 03/15/10 16:29, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Thanks. Dare I ask whether all these can be run in samevm mode?

No, unfortunately since tools.jar no longer exists in any module image. 
   javax.tools.ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler()  looks for the javac 
classes from tools.jar.  As we discussed some time ago, fixing it will 
be tricky since the code needs to be able to compiled and run on JDK 6. 
(i.e. bootstrap mode.)


> -- Jon
> Mandy Chung wrote:
>> I have been running the following tests for testing jigsaw builds on 
>> jdk-module-image.
>>      ${TEST}/java/lang
>>      ${TEST}/java/nio
>>      ${TEST}/java/util
>>      ${TEST}/java/text
>>      ${TEST}/java/security
>>      ${TEST}/java/beans
>>      ${TEST}/java/math
>>      ${TEST}/org/openjdk/jigsaw
>> This is not a standard set of tests for testing the jigsaw build but 
>> these tests test classes in multiple modules and it should provide 
>> good coverage.
>> Mandy
>> On 03/15/10 16:10, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> Is there a standard set of tests (other than "everything") for 
>>> testing a jigsaw build?
>>> -- Jon

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