langtools failures on modules build

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Fri Mar 26 15:59:53 PDT 2010

Here's the analysis of the test failures from the langtools tests on a 
full modules build (jdk-module-image, using my latest langtools)

The good news is that many of the test failures are the result of 
assumptions that are no longer true, such as the existence of rt.jar, 
tools.jar and ct.sym. It is a fairly common pattern in langtools to 
examine rt.jar and similar files directly, to infer the correct results 
of using public API, especially JSR199 API. These tests all have to be 
adapted to the brave new world of modules, preferably making the tests 
work in both legacy and modular scenarios.

javah and apt both have hard failures that need to be fixed.   The javah 
failure will probably prevent using jdk-module-image as a BOOT_DIR to 
build JDK.  The new javac itself was good enough to build JDK in legacy 

-- Jon
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