Creating new packages in the world of modules

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Mon Mar 29 08:04:53 PDT 2010

Weijun Wang wrote:
> Hi Alan
> I'm planning to add two RFEs to OpenJDK:
> 1. A SASL mechanism called NTLM, which includes two new packages:
>    a. The SASL provider
>    b. The raw NTLM API
>    Here I've created an NTLM API which I hope can also be used by sun/net/www/protocol/http/ntlm/
> 2. Keytool and Jarsigner as JSR 199 Tools, which include interfaces in a new package, implementations in and new META-INF/services/* entries.
> I know you have spent a lot of time recently to make sure classes to be distributed in different modules and their dependencies carefully maintained. If I want to add the new packages above, what do I need to take care of most? Any configuration files to modify? Is there a latest map showing the content of current existing modules?
> BTW, what is the fate of ServiceLoader in modules? Will META-INF/services entries spread into different modules and ServiceLoader tries to get a union of them for each service class?
> Thanks
> Max

It may help to look in jdk/make/modules/** for *.config files.  The 
build runs as a "standard build" to begin with, then enters 
"jdk/make/modules" near the end of the build to actually build the 
modules using the info in the config files.

-- Jon

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