RFE: java -L

Karen Kinnear karen.kinnear at oracle.com
Fri May 21 20:07:40 PDT 2010

Are you considering the same kind of change for java -m <module-name>?  
It would be
very nice to have these both as single strings rather than with two  
components. I'd vote
for -modulelibrary:value -module:value or something more meaningful  
than just a single
letter string.


On May 21, 2010, at 9:44 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:

> In the world of bootstrapping, it is common to use tools like javac,  
> etc, and to override the location of the classes executed by those  
> tools.  This is typically done by passing -Xbootclasspath to the  
> underlying runtime, by prefixing it with -J, as in
>    javac -J-Xbootclasspath:value ...
> In our brave new world, there is no -Xbootclasspath; we get to use - 
> L instead.   But it sure is ugly to have to prefix both the option  
> name and value with -J, and write
>    javac -J-L -Jvalue
> Can we please change the options so that either -L can optionally  
> take a value after a ':'  (i.e. "-L value" or "-L:value") or we have  
> a new option like -XL which always takes the value after a ':' ?
> I'm looking at all the work we need to do in the build to allow us  
> to build javac so that it is executed in module mode, and  
> simplifying the -L option would make it a bunchy easier.
> -- Jon

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