Module compilation unit grammar

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Mon Apr 4 13:43:44 PDT 2011

Export issues ...

It is easy enough to process ModuleExport in source code through to 
ModuleExport_attribute in a class file.

But, I foresee problems implementing the semantics of export insofar as 
it affects the visibility of types.  Chickens and Eggs.  export may 
refer to types, so it needs to come after those types have been defined. 
But since export affects visibility, it needs to be processed before 
that, so we can determine how it affects visibility of types within the 
compilation ...

How much does it make sense to be able to specify nested types in an 
export statement?  E.g. the 'export p.q.*' below, and by implication, 
'export p.q.Foo' where p is a package and q is a top level class?

-- Jon

On 04/01/2011 04:22 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
> There are two ways to define export:
> 1) Export a package as a unit. No need for '.*' and it is impossible 
> to export individual types. (Allowing 'export p.q' to mean package p.q 
> but 'export p.q.r' to mean type r in package p.q is too confusing, I 
> think.)
> 2) Export individual types, and use '.*' to export all public types in 
> the package. Also '.**' to export all public types in subpackages.
> I prefer (2) because:
> - While it's appealing to think of a package as a unit, the reality is 
> that a package is nothing more than a qualifier on a type name. A 
> module system doesn't make a package visible per se; it makes certain 
> public types in a package visible.
> - 'import' already provides a type-centric view of the world. Even if 
> you write 'import foo.*', you are aware of individual types within 
> package foo. I think we should stick with it for 'export'. Good 
> practice may end up being to export individual type names, as it is 
> with import.
> - It allows the .** "all subpackages" export, which (1) would 
> enumerate individually.
> (2) adds the burden of classifying names as package names or type 
> names; see below. (2) also requires more of the module system, though 
> in no way does it cause split packages at runtime any more than (1).
> I propose:
> - 'export p' is invalid because p is not a qualified name.
> - 'export p.q' means export the single type p.q.
> - 'export p.*' means export all public types in package p.
> - 'export p.**' means export all public types in package p and its 
> subpackages, and their subpackages, etc.
> - 'export p.q.*' means export either all public types in package p.q 
> or all public member types in type q in package p - depending on p.q's 
> classification given the module's membership.
> Alex
> On 4/1/2011 3:33 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>  Adding to Jon's question:
>>     export p.*;
>> Does '*' match '.' in the package name?  If not, it'd be useful to 
>> support '**' like syntax e.g. 'export java.**;'  exports all package 
>> names with 'java.' prefix.
>> Mandy
>> On 4/1/11 3:05 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> Is the asterisk form of export constrained to packages and/or is it 
>>> required for packages?
>>> For example, which of the following are valid
>>>     export p;
>>>     export p.*;
>>>     export p.Clazz;
>>>     export p.Clazz.*;
>>> -- Jon
>>> On 03/11/2011 03:51 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
>>>> Here is the current grammar used by javac to parse a module 
>>>> compilation unit ("").
>>>> * Example
>>>> module a.b @ 1.0 {
>>>>   require c.d @ [2.0,3.0);
>>>>   export  e.f.*;
>>>>   provide g.h @ 4.0;
>>>>   permit  i.j;
>>>>   class   k.l;
>>>> }
>>>> - A compilation unit may contain a module declaration.
>>>> - A module declaration may not be annotated.
>>>> - A module name is a qualified identifier, in the spirit of a 
>>>> package-or-type name and a type name (JLS3 6.5).
>>>> - A module version is like a qualified identifier, except that the 
>>>> characters of the identifier may be any Java letter or digit (to 
>>>> allow a first numeric character) and the qualifier may be .+-:~ (as 
>>>> per 
>>>> referred to by org/openjdk/jigsaw/
>>>> - require takes a qualified identifier indicating a module name, 
>>>> optionally followed by '@' and a version query. A version query is 
>>>> an exact version or an interval.
>>>> - require supports 'local' and 'optional' flags. There is no 
>>>> 'public' flag because re-export is handled by the export statement.
>>>> - export takes a qualified identifier indicating a package or type 
>>>> name, possibly ending in '. *'.
>>>> - permit takes a qualified identifier indicating a module name.
>>>> - class takes a qualified identifier indicating a type name.
>>>> - require/local/optional/export/provide/permit are restricted 
>>>> keywords.
>>>> * Grammar
>>>> [x] denotes zero or one occurrences of x.
>>>> {x} denotes zero or more occurrences of x.
>>>> (x|y) means one of either x or y.
>>>> CompilationUnit:
>>>>   [PackageDeclaration] [ImportDeclaration] [TypeDeclaration]
>>>>   [ModuleDeclaration]
>>>> ModuleDeclaration:
>>>>   'module' ModuleName ['@' Version] '{' {ModuleStatement} '}'
>>>> ModuleName:
>>>>   Identifier
>>>>   ModuleName '.' Identifier
>>>> ModuleStatement:
>>>>   ModuleRequire
>>>>   ModuleProvide
>>>>   ModuleExport
>>>>   ModulePermit
>>>>   ModuleClass
>>>> ModuleRequire:
>>>>   'require' [ModuleRequireModifier] ModuleName ['@' VersionQuery] ';'
>>>> ModuleRequireModifier:
>>>>   'local'
>>>>   'optional'
>>>> ModuleExport:
>>>>   'export' PackageOrTypeName ['.' '*'] ';'
>>>> ModuleProvide:
>>>>   'provide' ModuleName ['@' Version] ';'
>>>> ModulePermit:
>>>>   'permit' ModuleName ';'
>>>> ModuleClass:
>>>>   'class' TypeName ';'
>>>> VersionQuery:
>>>>   Version
>>>>   ('['|'(') Version ',' Version (')'|']')
>>>> Version:
>>>>   ModuleIdentifier {VersionTokenizer ModuleIdentifier}
>>>> ModuleIdentifier:
>>>>   JavaLetterOrDigit
>>>>   ModuleIdentifier JavaLetterOrDigit
>>>> VersionTokenizer:
>>>>   . or + or - or : or ~

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