Module compilation unit grammar
Jonathan Gibbons
jonathan.gibbons at
Mon Apr 4 15:14:29 PDT 2011
More questions:
What are the restrictions on export, with respect to "clashes"? i.e.
what about duplicates or otherwise redundant entries?
export p.**;
export p.**; // duplicate
export p.*; // redundant, given preceding p.**;
export p.q; // also redundant
export p.p1.q; // also redundant
-- Jon
On 04/01/2011 04:22 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
> There are two ways to define export:
> 1) Export a package as a unit. No need for '.*' and it is impossible
> to export individual types. (Allowing 'export p.q' to mean package p.q
> but 'export p.q.r' to mean type r in package p.q is too confusing, I
> think.)
> 2) Export individual types, and use '.*' to export all public types in
> the package. Also '.**' to export all public types in subpackages.
> I prefer (2) because:
> - While it's appealing to think of a package as a unit, the reality is
> that a package is nothing more than a qualifier on a type name. A
> module system doesn't make a package visible per se; it makes certain
> public types in a package visible.
> - 'import' already provides a type-centric view of the world. Even if
> you write 'import foo.*', you are aware of individual types within
> package foo. I think we should stick with it for 'export'. Good
> practice may end up being to export individual type names, as it is
> with import.
> - It allows the .** "all subpackages" export, which (1) would
> enumerate individually.
> (2) adds the burden of classifying names as package names or type
> names; see below. (2) also requires more of the module system, though
> in no way does it cause split packages at runtime any more than (1).
> I propose:
> - 'export p' is invalid because p is not a qualified name.
> - 'export p.q' means export the single type p.q.
> - 'export p.*' means export all public types in package p.
> - 'export p.**' means export all public types in package p and its
> subpackages, and their subpackages, etc.
> - 'export p.q.*' means export either all public types in package p.q
> or all public member types in type q in package p - depending on p.q's
> classification given the module's membership.
> Alex
> On 4/1/2011 3:33 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> Adding to Jon's question:
>> export p.*;
>> Does '*' match '.' in the package name? If not, it'd be useful to
>> support '**' like syntax e.g. 'export java.**;' exports all package
>> names with 'java.' prefix.
>> Mandy
>> On 4/1/11 3:05 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> Is the asterisk form of export constrained to packages and/or is it
>>> required for packages?
>>> For example, which of the following are valid
>>> export p;
>>> export p.*;
>>> export p.Clazz;
>>> export p.Clazz.*;
>>> -- Jon
>>> On 03/11/2011 03:51 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
>>>> Here is the current grammar used by javac to parse a module
>>>> compilation unit ("").
>>>> * Example
>>>> module a.b @ 1.0 {
>>>> require c.d @ [2.0,3.0);
>>>> export e.f.*;
>>>> provide g.h @ 4.0;
>>>> permit i.j;
>>>> class k.l;
>>>> }
>>>> - A compilation unit may contain a module declaration.
>>>> - A module declaration may not be annotated.
>>>> - A module name is a qualified identifier, in the spirit of a
>>>> package-or-type name and a type name (JLS3 6.5).
>>>> - A module version is like a qualified identifier, except that the
>>>> characters of the identifier may be any Java letter or digit (to
>>>> allow a first numeric character) and the qualifier may be .+-:~ (as
>>>> per
>>>> referred to by org/openjdk/jigsaw/
>>>> - require takes a qualified identifier indicating a module name,
>>>> optionally followed by '@' and a version query. A version query is
>>>> an exact version or an interval.
>>>> - require supports 'local' and 'optional' flags. There is no
>>>> 'public' flag because re-export is handled by the export statement.
>>>> - export takes a qualified identifier indicating a package or type
>>>> name, possibly ending in '. *'.
>>>> - permit takes a qualified identifier indicating a module name.
>>>> - class takes a qualified identifier indicating a type name.
>>>> - require/local/optional/export/provide/permit are restricted
>>>> keywords.
>>>> * Grammar
>>>> [x] denotes zero or one occurrences of x.
>>>> {x} denotes zero or more occurrences of x.
>>>> (x|y) means one of either x or y.
>>>> CompilationUnit:
>>>> [PackageDeclaration] [ImportDeclaration] [TypeDeclaration]
>>>> [ModuleDeclaration]
>>>> ModuleDeclaration:
>>>> 'module' ModuleName ['@' Version] '{' {ModuleStatement} '}'
>>>> ModuleName:
>>>> Identifier
>>>> ModuleName '.' Identifier
>>>> ModuleStatement:
>>>> ModuleRequire
>>>> ModuleProvide
>>>> ModuleExport
>>>> ModulePermit
>>>> ModuleClass
>>>> ModuleRequire:
>>>> 'require' [ModuleRequireModifier] ModuleName ['@' VersionQuery] ';'
>>>> ModuleRequireModifier:
>>>> 'local'
>>>> 'optional'
>>>> ModuleExport:
>>>> 'export' PackageOrTypeName ['.' '*'] ';'
>>>> ModuleProvide:
>>>> 'provide' ModuleName ['@' Version] ';'
>>>> ModulePermit:
>>>> 'permit' ModuleName ';'
>>>> ModuleClass:
>>>> 'class' TypeName ';'
>>>> VersionQuery:
>>>> Version
>>>> ('['|'(') Version ',' Version (')'|']')
>>>> Version:
>>>> ModuleIdentifier {VersionTokenizer ModuleIdentifier}
>>>> ModuleIdentifier:
>>>> JavaLetterOrDigit
>>>> ModuleIdentifier JavaLetterOrDigit
>>>> VersionTokenizer:
>>>> . or + or - or : or ~
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