ModuleFileHeader csize

Dalibor Topic dalibor.topic at
Thu Apr 14 15:05:08 PDT 2011

On 4/14/11 10:55 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:
> On 4/14/11 4:36 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
>> 2011/4/14 13:28 -0700, sean.mullan at
>>> On 4/14/11 3:54 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>>> Just to be clear - I meant a bug in the implementation.
>>> Ok. But ...
>>> Either way there is a problem when you apply the signature. The csize cannot be
>>> calculated until after you generate the signature, but the signature encrypts a
>>> hash of the module file, which includes the csize.
>> Oops.
>>> So either we need to exclude the size of the signature or not include the csize
>>> in the hash.
>> Hrm.  Perhaps that's why we didn't include the header in the csize
>> in the first place, and so this is a bug in the specification.
>> Dalibor?
> What if the csize was the size of the file except the header, signature and module-info sections? (i.e. the "rest" of the file). That would seem to align with being able to read the module file in two parts (readStart, readRest).

Yeah, that's what I thought would make sense for it to be, so chances are I (mis)interpreted the spec to fit that worldview. Oops, indeed.

dalibor topic

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