sync'ing up jigsaw/jigsaw?

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Fri Aug 12 13:44:29 PDT 2011

  I have the merge ready.  Besides changing everything to 8-ea from 
7-ea, I also have to change the langtools to build with JDK 7:
(1) to use the jigsaw class to determine if the stubs need to be generated
(2) to add "-options" to the -Xlint option (the "javac.lint.opts" property).
This is needed for the boot cycle build when it bootstraps to build 
langtools with the module image.  jdk-module-image no longer has rt.jar 
and thus -Xbootclasspath is not set but the boot.javac.source = 1.6.   
The langtools build failed with this:

     [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in 
conjunction with -source 1.6
     [javac] error: warnings found and -Werror specified

It seems to me that the langtools build needs further cleanup for 
building with jdk-module-image.  So ignoring javac options warning in 
-Xlint is just a workaround for now.

    Does this workaround look okay to you (see 
langtools/make/ and build.xml)?  I'll leave it to you to 
do a better fix :)



On 08/09/11 10:47, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Mandy,
> I'm cleaning up my environment and wondering about moving 
> jigsaw/jigsaw to jdk8 (which would mean changing everything to 8-ea 
> form 7-ea in addition to sync'ing up the forest). Is this something 
> you are doing? Just checking (I don't mind doing it, seems like you've 
> done more than your fair share of sync'ing up over the last year).
> -Alan

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