Module Views

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Thu Dec 15 11:15:22 PST 2011

2011/12/15 5:08 -0800, david.bosschaert at
> I still strongly believe that the it's not right to define module
> metadata in Java source files and have it end up in compiled .class
> files inside jars. I thought that this decision was going to be made
> by the modularity JSR so I am worried that the changes like this start
> appearing in the VM and language design itself without having
> consulted the JSR about it.

As I've said many times before: The work we're doing in Project
Jigsaw is at this point still exploratory.  It is not an RI for
any JSR, it's a prototype in which we're investigating various
ideas in the context of the agreed requirements.  Some of these
ideas diverge from module systems which have been built on top
of Java rather than within it --- and that's a good thing.

The issue of metadata formats, along with all other specification
issues, will ultimately be settled by the EG of the forthcoming
module-system JSR.  I expect to submit that JSR early next year.

- Mark

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