How to drain your laptop battery using Jigsaw

Jesse Glick jesse.glick at
Wed Dec 21 15:07:37 PST 2011

On 12/21/2011 05:40 PM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> This basically implies #2 of your solution though we did not add
> any run-time measures to verify version constraints (we came to the conclusion that this was an install-time concern

Well the problem is essentially the same whether you interpret dependency ranges eagerly during installation of a root "application" module, or lazily the first time the 
application is run and caching thereafter, or simply every time it is run. Obviously a user might accept a twenty-second pause installing a module while rejecting a 
one-second pause when launching it, but resolution as per Jigsaw's current specification can take time exponential in the number of modules - thus (potentially) 
intractable even for installation.

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