Simplicity [was: Re: DRAFT: Project Jigsaw: The Big Picture (part 1)]

Daniel Siegmann varradami at
Thu Dec 22 16:08:05 PST 2011

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Neil Bartlett <njbartlett at> wrote:
> This is not intended as a flame. I acknowledge that the appearance of
> complexity is highly subjective, and I would appreciate the opinions
> of people who are not already inculcated in either of the OSGi or
> Jigsaw camps.

OSGi seems more complicated to me, however I only a rudimentary
experience with it. The necessity of a container alone makes OSGi a
big headache (in my admittedly limited experience). YMMV

On the other hand I do have plenty of experience with Maven, and many
things in Jigsaw are no more complicated than their equivalents in
Maven. So from my perspective Jigsaw seems pretty simple (so far).
There are a few complicated bits (such as views), but in practice I
doubt these will be needed very often.

Of course, draft one of the big picture is pretty light on the
details, so there is plenty of room to complicate Jigsaw. ;-)


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