More secure ModuleFileFormat.Reader class?

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Tue Mar 8 16:49:26 PST 2011

  On 3/5/11 8:30 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
> I've been working again on jigsaw signed modules. The current design 
> of the ModuleFileFormat.Reader class is a little shaky from a security 
> perspective. Most of the methods are public (as well as the class). 
> These methods allow one to read different parts of a module file and 
> the resulting data is stored inside the Reader object. Some of this 
> data is security-sensitive such as the signature and the hashes. This 
> data is currently protected from malicious code by returning clones, etc.
> But the problem is that some of the methods can still be used to 
> change this data. For example, I can call the readFile method with my 
> own DataInputStream. This DataInputStream could contain a different 
> Signature section, and this could then replace the signature contained 
> in a Reader object that had already been used to read a signed module 
> file. There are several methods like this.
> It seems it would be a better (and safer) design to decouple the 
> module file data (or at least the signature and hashes) and store it 
> separately from the Reader class.

It sounds like a good thing to do.


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