Converting plain JARs to Java modules

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Tue Nov 8 14:32:56 PST 2011

2011/11/7 1:47 -0800, gnormington at
> ...
> In case it's not obvious, please note that support for package level
> dependencies would permit a fully automatic conversion because it would
> then not be necessary to know the module name corresponding to each
> package dependency.

Yes, I think we understand that.

>                     A fully automatic converstion could be particularly
> useful in automatically serving up modularised versions of existing
> JARs, e.g. in a front end to Maven central.

Maven POMs already contain what is, essentially, module-level dependence
information, so the value of package-level dependences for that case is
far from clear.  Alan has prototyped a tool which constructs a Jigsaw
module declaration from a POM; it works well, at least for simple cases,
though there does seem to be a lot of noise in the POMs published on
Maven Central.

- Mark

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