Ordering of versions

Brian Pontarelli brian at pontarelli.com
Wed Nov 9 11:02:42 PST 2011

It seems obvious from your example that lexicographic is probably going to cause issues and confusion. Perhaps it makes sense to define a set of well know and commonly used names and the order they have. I would assume this would be simple to get a majority on.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 9, 2011, at 9:37 AM, mark.reinhold at oracle.com wrote:

> 2011/11/9 7:47 -0800, gnormington at vmware.com:
>> I see. How are the tokens of a qualifier compared? If they are compared
>> just like the initial part,
> Yes.
>>                            then that would be a numeric comparison for
>> numeric tokens, but what about non-numeric tokens like BETA and GA?
> They are compared lexicographically, so BETA < GA.
>>                                                                    Are
>> tokens compared as strings if at least one of the tokens being compared
>> is non-numeric?
> Yes.
>> Or I can read the code if you prefer to send me a link. ;-)
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk/file/960eb03d1270/src/share/classes/org/openjdk/jigsaw/JigsawVersion.java
> - Mark

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