Compressing class files in the module library

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Nov 10 04:25:15 PST 2011

On 10/11/2011 11:49, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> So we will always be creating module library images that use 
> compression when we build. Do we need an option or environment 
> variable to override this? I'm just wondering if you could see a 
> scenario where compression wouldn't be desirable by default.
The default build isn't changed, it requires building with 
COMPRESS_MODULE_LIBRARY=true to enable. In time I would expect options 
like this to be subsumed or implied by other build options.

> :
> I understand the reasoning behind the option name -9 'compress 
> better', from the module library point of view, but this gives the 
> impression that the level of compression can be selected -0 -> -9 ( or 
> that it is using the best compression available) when really I don't 
> think it can be, right? The pack200 API doesn't seem to give this fine 
> grain level of control over the compression level (or maybe I just 
> missed it), which would be nice.
-9 was an opening bid until we find something better (jmod create -C -L 
mlib isn't too bad).  Suggestions welcome.


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