Email threading issues
mark.reinhold at
mark.reinhold at
Thu Nov 10 10:32:31 PST 2011
2011/11/10 10:05 -0800, dalibor.topic at
> On 11/10/11 1:09 AM, Brian Pontarelli wrote:
>> One thing that would be _really nice_ would be to change the listserv
>> settings so that the reply-to is the list rather than the sender.
> A classic on that subject is .
> I prefer no reply-to munging myself, fwiw - it's much easier to forward a
> reply that was sent privately to the list, then to unsend a reply that was
> meant to be private but got reply-to vacuumed onto a list.
Yep. When we set up the OpenJDK Mailman back in 2007 we made the
decision not to munge reply-to headers. It's the safest approach
for those of us who work on both the open and closed sides of the
- Mark
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