Review request: jpkg -m option takes both classes and resources

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Mon Nov 14 10:55:17 PST 2011

  On 11/14/11 10:34, Alan Bateman wrote:
> I went through the webrev, except that I only skimmed the "new" 
> ModuleFileWriter (as refactoring ModuleFileFormat.Writer and moving 
> into its own source file at the same time makes this a bit awkward to 
> review). I don't see any any obvious issue. FileCompressor and 
> ClassFileCompressor extending ByteArrayOutputStream is a bit odd 
> because they are output stream but don't have OutputStream in the 
> name. Also getInstance suggests that they can return any instance but 
> a new instance is required each time.

I agree that the class names and the getInstance method should be 
renamed.  How about renaming the class names to CompressorOutputStream 
and CompressedClassFileOutputStream and renaming getInstance to newInstance?

> One question, does classanalyzer's Modularizer need resDir now?

It doesn't need resDir now.  I should clean that up.

Thanks for the review

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