Use-cases for version ranges?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Nov 21 05:17:10 PST 2011

On 17/11/2011 23:52, cowwoc wrote:
> :
> Is there a way to get module A to see log4j 1.0 and module B to see log4j
> 1.1 (using separate ClassLoaders)?
With Jigsaw then the conflict will be caught when you attempt to 
install/configure a module with an entry point and that module 
ultimately requires more than one version of a module. Such a scenario 
is considered a "bug", possibly caused by overly restrictive version 
constraints. The one scenario where it may make sense is the container 
case, say a test harness or a web container that requires one version of 
a module and the test or application running in the container requires a 
different version. This isn't implemented in Jigsaw (not yet anyway) but 
is a scenario that is called out in the requirements document [1].



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