jigsaw for Mac OSX

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sat Apr 7 06:03:14 PDT 2012

On 07/04/2012 07:51, Henri Gomez wrote:
> :
> ok so 2 packages I guess, one for JDK another one for JRE with jigsaw-pkgs
> I'll packages them for OSX (DMG) asap.
> Do you plan to add OSX specific layout (aka Contents/Home, Info.plist
> ...) in a near future ?
> Cheers
We hope to have EA builds soon but it will likely be just the 
jdk-module-image in a tar ball initially. In time we would like to make 
the jre-base-image available with it pre-configured to download from a 
repository that contains the jmod packages. That way it will be possible 
to start with a minimal image and only install the JRE/JDK modules that 
you need. In time then the installer that Oracle's preview builds for 
7u4 use will be forward-ported to 8 and be updated to work with a module 
image but I don't know exactly when that will be.


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