XML for module descriptor

Jeff MAURY jeffmaury at jeffmaury.com
Fri Apr 13 16:30:47 PDT 2012

Why don't you force a specific encoding for this file (UTF-8?) ?
This should be the responsability of the compiler to generate the expected


On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 12:39 AM, Rémi Forax <forax at univ-mlv.fr> wrote:

> On 04/13/2012 01:10 PM, Neil Bartlett wrote:
>> +1 for JSON as a first choice, XML as a second if a small enough parser
>> can be found/written to fit into the core.
>> -1 for YAML and other significant-whitespace formats; I agree with the
>> comments about fragility.
>> -1000 for module-info.class and other binary formats. The seems like a
>> no-brainer to me. The only reason to use it appears to be that the parser
>> is already present in the core, though as David points out that parser is
>> ordinarily not accessible to applications.
> Please re-read the mail of Alan.
> and we can't use JSON because there is no way to specify the character
> encoding.
> Rémi


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