XML for module descriptor

Debasish Ray Chawdhuri debasish.raychawdhuri at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 18:12:26 PDT 2012

I would not, it was in answer to the previous post by Alan. (And I
mentioned the post with my post.

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Eric Johnson <eric at tibco.com> wrote:

> On 4/17/12 5:36 PM, Debasish Ray Chawdhuri wrote:
>> If JSON is used, it would not be compiled, the source will contain the
>> same
>> file I guess. Also even if compilation is done, it would give the errors
>> related to the syntax of the file. The errors can be made readable. If we
>> want to discourage editing the file, we should stick to binary format.
> That last statement ("if we want to discourage....") seems a stretch.
> Precisely one of the values of a textual format is its accessibility for
> all sort of purposes that involve reading the file. Why would you want to
> take that away?
> In already compiled JARs, has rampant editing of MANIFEST.MF files ever
> been a problem in the history of Java? How about for the history of OSGi?
> That seems evidence enough that developers are already appropriately
> disinclined to directly edit files of this ilk because of the zipped
> archive that typically carries this kind of data.
> -Eric.
>> On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Alan Bateman<Alan.Bateman at oracle.**com<Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>
>> >wrote:
>>  On 17/04/2012 08:09, David Bosschaert wrote:
>>>  Seems like there is at least a majority for going with JSON as a
>>>> format. I'm not an expert in encodings but to me it looks like it
>>>> could be solved in the same way as currently done for the MANIFEST.MF.
>>>> I'll start prototyping the JSON module descriptor in Penrose.
>>>>  None of my business as to the format that you use but I hope that
>>> developers will be strongly discouraged from editing the module
>>> declarations post compilation, otherwise it may result in issues at
>>> runtime
>>> that are hard to diagnose. Note that I'm not talking about the custom
>>> meta-data as I don't know if that can be validated at build time. I'm
>>> also
>>> not talking about tool agents as they may need to augment the access
>>> control rules for instrumentation purposes.
>>> -Alan

Debasish Ray Chawdhuri
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