Service Providersand versioning

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Apr 18 10:13:17 PDT 2012

On 18/04/2012 16:50, Sean Mullan wrote:
> But a Provider is not a Service. It is more equivalent to a 
> ServiceLoader.
Okay but I'm just observing that the security providers are listed today 
in, and if converted to services, then you could iterate 
over them with ServiceLoader.load(

> I would have expected something more like:
> module @ 8-ea {
>   provides service
>                    with;
> }
> So basically, the Provider API doesn't come into play at all in 
> finding JCE services.
That should work fine and you will iterate over the Signature 
implementations with ServiceLoader.load(Signature.class).

As Jesse pointed out, there isn't anything in Jigsaw to aid with the 
selection when there are several service providers installed, ie: there 
isn't anything to match on capabilities or attributes.


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