Version info as part of the jmod filename?

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Apr 24 05:11:43 PDT 2012

On 24/04/2012 9:57 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> On 2012-04-24 11:41, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> Couldn't the make file pick up the version number from the name of the
>> .jmod file that is created?
> The problem with this is expressing dependencies. To be able to express
> good dependencies you need to be able to predict the names of all files
> that you will be creating.

Exactly. The makefile needs to list module-<version>.jmod as the target.

> A workaround for David's problem would be to define the version in the
> makefile and preprocess it into the files before
> compiling them.

Yes but that's an awful solution. :)

Alan: I don't think specifying the version on the compile command would 
be a problem because I would expect to build a module at a time.


> /Erik

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