Services/configuration/context webrevs

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Tue Aug 7 17:55:36 PDT 2012


On 7/1/2012 2:34 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

> Service state on configuration
> ----------------------------------------

Sorry for the delay on getting to this one.

This change keeps a global map of service interface to its service
provider class names in the configuration for a more efficient service
lookup and service instance creation at runtime which is good.

On the other hand, I'm not sure about the new InstalledConfiguration
class, an extension to Configuration.  While service lookup is only
needed at runtime, it seems to me that Configuration<PathContext>  would
be the subclass of Configuration rather than Configuration<Context>.
With modulepath, there isn't any installed configuration that some
refactoring might be needed.  There will be some API refactoring/cleanup
anyway (as you have already attempted).  I wonder if this patch can simply
define the Configuration.findServices method that might well be an
abstract method implemented by the InstalledConfiguration class
which will only be an implementation class used by StoredConfiguration.


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