Jigsaw classpath mode support

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Thu Aug 16 17:01:11 PDT 2012

On 8/16/2012 8:05 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 15/08/2012 23:04, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> :
>>> One thing that I can't tell from the changes is the value of the 
>>> sun.boot.module.classpath property. That might be clear once Karen 
>>> publishes the hotspot changes. I ask because I can't tell if 
>>> Package.SystemPackage.isPackageFromModule is right, meaning whether 
>>> JVM_GetSystemPackage returns the value of sun.boot.module.classpath 
>>> for packages in the system modules.
>> Yes, JVM_GetSystemPackage will return the value of 
>> sun.boot.module.classpath for packages in the system modules.  It's a 
>> simple way to tag a package in the system module.
> Okay, that's what I thought (it caught my eye because I thought that 
> JVM_GetSystemPackage was expected to return a specific path or 
> filename rather than a classpath).

Ah the property name causes the confusion.  Would it help
if it's renamed to "sun.boot.base.module.path"?  Right now
its value is set to "<module-lib-path>/jdk.base". It's a
unique value that the libs can use to determine if it's
from the module image.  We might reconsider what value
makes sense here when doing the modulepath support.

> In that case, shouldn't the check on L220 be <= index so that the 
> extensions directory ends up in prepaths rather than postpaths. That 
> way it will search the legacy location before looking in the module 
> directory.

Good catch and will fix it.


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