Small question about Dependence.Modifier.SYNTHETIC

Alexey Fedorov alexey.x.fedorov at
Mon Feb 6 09:27:29 PST 2012


I am playing with Jigsaw and met the following strange behavior. As I 
understand, java.lang.module.Dependence.Modifier.SYNTHETIC was created 
in modular JDK for underlining that the corresponding dependency was 
added by the system, not by user. Consider the following code example:


module my.module @ 1.0 {
     class mypackage.MyClass;


package mypackage;

public class MyClass  {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
         ModuleInfo moduleInfo = MyClass.class.getModule().getModuleInfo();
         for (ViewDependence viewDependence : 
moduleInfo.requiresModules()) {


In the middle of January output was:

>>  requires*synthetic*jdk@=8-ea

But actual output is:

>>  requires jdk@=8-ea

Here dependency "jdk@=8-ea" is not marked as*synthetic*. Is it an expected behavior or regression?

Thank you,

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